
Monday, June 7, 2010


The Life Line
If the line of the life line curves around the thumb then this gives an indication that the person has a great deal of psychical activity in their lives.
If the person has a solid line it indicates a good pleasing life with good rewards.
If the line changes it thickness and depth it can indicate a changing life with lots twists and turns.
If the line is higher, Ir nearer the index finger, this will suggest how ambitious a person is and how great their ability is to keep at a task even if things get tough.

Lines that join up with the head line can shoe a rather timid and cautious person, but if there is a gap between these two lines then the person will be of the opposite and therefore will be act on their impulse and be rather reckless.
But if the line runs in the direction of the mount of the moon then the person is restless and would prefer to be in another place.
Broken and wavy life lines can indicate a weakness of some kind in either the area of mental or physical capabilities.
while a line made up of chains indicates a poor disposition. A line that has another line running close by it or parallel to it suggests a good healthy disposition.
If the life line finishes in the fork it will show that the person will depend on the kindness of other people in their old age.
Heart Line
If the person has a strong heart line its shows they are capable for true and faithful love.
If the line starts high it can suggest a jealous type. While a low start suggests a serene and rational love, but if the line is to low to start it shows coldness.
If the person has a heart line that that joins a head line this suggests a person who lets head rule his heart.
If their line starts right under the mount of Saturn then the person will usually encounter only one true and devastating love in their lives.
A wavy line shows a person is lacking in self confidence especially when it comes to love. A chained line means a flirtatious nature and a person who finds it hard to be faithful.
A duplicated line shows a long and not very happy affair. If there is a line close to the heart line then there is a good chance that someone close will die.
A person without a heart lien will have no love to spare for anybody else but themselves.
Head Line
A small gap between the head line and the life line shows that the person is a bit restless and like to be active.
The wider the gap the more restless and active the person. It can also indicate that they are impatient and may need to look at their behaviour.
If the head line actually joins up with the heart line at the start, then the person may have a lot of real suffering ahead.
If the person has well defined and straight head lines this indicates clear and sound judgement.
But if the line goes all the way to the edge of the palm then the person may have some ruthlessness about them and will put business first and people second.
If the heart line is very long then the person should be a very good diplomat and have a high chance through this of achieving their goals.
If the line is short the person will no try to hard and will give up quickly and easily.
If the line is weak it indicates a person who is soft and rarely ever tries anything new.
A slightly wavy line shows a person who finds it hard to face the daily demands in their life while a chained line shows the presence of mental illness or a mental disability that may be coming in the future.
If the line sweeps down and finishes in the forks it is an indication of a very smart person and if the line breaks then the person is very likely to suffer from deep depression.
Fate Line, 
The fate line on the palm is related with the future and the progresses of the individual.
Fate line          
The Fate line is considered as the most significant part of the science of palmistry. The fate line in Hindi is known as `Baggy rehab`. According to the palmists it is the fate line, which terminates at the mount of Saturn. Till this line does not reach this mount, it is not proper to call it fate line. 
However the importance of the Fate line in the life of an individual is extensive. Though everything goes on in life but a person`s whole life gets spoiled in a way if the fate does not support him. Luck or fate of a person is determined by the fate line, according to palmistry. It is said that if luck favors a person then even the soil turns into gold by his very touch. Thus if an individual is not supported by luck he can not make progress in life, in spite of having a grand personality, charitable heart and other qualities. On the contrary if the luck does not favor him even gold turns into soil by his touch. Hence the palmists have attached enough importance to the fate line on the palm. 
The importance of the fate line is undoubtedly important but the shape and size of the fate line is considered of enough importance in the science of palmistry. According to the eminent palmists, the excellence and brilliance of fate is dependent on the depth, distinctness and faultlessness of the fate line. After a prolonged and the thorough study of the fate line it has been said by the palmists that if all the lines on a person`s hand are defective and weak but his fate line is excellent in itself, then the individual can make enormous success in life. In spite of having vices and shortcomings in the personality, individuals having distinct and faultless fate line can make an advances in life. Therefore, it is necessary for a palmist to study carefully the fate line while studying the palm. 
This fate line is not found in all hands. As the palmists have opined after a careful and methodical study that this fate line is absent nearly on fifty percent hands. But it does not mean that a person is unlucky as he does not have fate line nor can he succeed by making efforts and is unfortunate if fate line is absent. As it is said in palmistry, the presence of the distinct, well-defined and faultless fate lines help the individual to make success without much effort. But when the person does not have fate line on his palm, he has to make extra efforts to achieve his own success. But the contrary results happen whenever the fate line on the palm appears broken, in spite of long and distinct. Individual with broken fate line is considered unlucky according to the science of palmistry. In spite of making enough efforts, such individual with broken fate line cannot make progress in life. Hence the palmists have opined that it is rather safe not to have a fate line than a broken fate line. 
However the fate line sometimes can be called Saturn line also as` this line terminates at the mount of Saturn. Though this line starts from different places on different hands, but it invariably ends at the mount of Saturn. This is why it is also known as Saturn line. 
Several facts should also be considered, while the fate lines appear weak or completely absent. If this line is weak on a person`s hands or is absent, such a person though rises in life yet does not get any co-operation from his brothers, relatives etc. Whatever progress he makes, he does it on his own efforts. Such persons do not get any co-operation from society or any help from the family. The absence of Saturn or the fate line on the hand reveals that all his progresses in life are the result of his own efforts. He was not supported by his luck or the family or friends. 
The Fate line proceeds from below and goes upwards and as explained by the palmists this line has different places of its origin but this line invariably terminates at the mount of Saturn. The fate line is connected with the future life of the individuals. At the same time a careful study of the fate line depicts an individual`s feelings, his mental and intellectual standard and his capabilities. The fate line also depicts that how high will the in his life, what will be his financial position in life. The line also pointed to the fact that whether the life of the individual will be full of worries or can he remove all those hindrances, which will come in his way. All these facts can be known by means of fate line alone. 
The fate line on the palm has several origins. A lot of things related to the future of the individuals are connected with the origin of the fate line. The mount of Saturn situated at the root of the finger of Saturn. Any line, which starts from any part, of the palm and touches the mount of Saturn, is called the fate line. It exerts different influences of its origin from different places on the palm. So both the source and termination points of fate line should be studied carefully and minutely, to make a complete judge of the fate of an individual. 
The way of the fate line from its origin till its point of termination determines the brilliance of the fate line. If this line originates from anywhere and reaches the mount of Saturn without support then such a line is considered undoubtedly strong and excellent. But in case the fate line crosses the mount of Saturn and tries to reach the phalanger of the finger of Saturn, then such a line is considered faulty. Such a fate line brings bad luck on the contrary. 
Several other facts have also been approached by the eminent palmists about the origin of the fate line. In the science of palmistry, importance has been attached on the fate line. Sometimes it starts from above the wrist and taking help of other lines on the palm reaches the mount of Saturn. Several times this line starts from near the lifeline and reaches the mount of Saturn. The fate line starts from the mount of Venus and reaches the mount of Saturn. Sometimes this line appears to start from the mount of Mars also. This line tries to reach the mount of Saturn after crossing the lifeline. Sometimes it is seen that this line starting from the area of Dragon`s Head on some hands. 
Hence the importance of fate line in the life of an individual is undoubtedly extensive. The line determines not only the future of a person but also help the individual to make advances and progress, in spite of his own shortcomings. The fate line also occupies an important position in the science of palmistry. 
More on Fate Line 
Position of the Fate Line, Palmistry 
Kinds of Lines 
Thick Line Thin Line Deep Line Sloping Line
Main Lines 
Health Line Sun Line Life Line Heart Line
Marriage Line Fate Line Head line 
Secondary Lines 
Ring of Jupiter Ring of Apollo High post lines Influencing Lines Sun man Line
Ring of Saturn Line of Brilliance Line of Education Line of Education The Mysterious Cross
Ring of Venus Ring of Moon Line of Science Lines of Traveling Lines of Accident
Casual Lines Line of Brilliance Bracelets Lines of Brothers and Sisters Triangles & Rectangles
Lines of the Mars Journey Line Line of Moon Lines of Friends 
Health Line
The Health Line starts under the little finger and goes across the palm towards the base of the thumb. The Health Line represents the health along with the general being of a person. 
Thais is called `Swarthy Re hi ` in Hindi. This line relates to health but there is no fixed place of its source. This line can commence from the mount of Mars or from Life Line or from the center of the palm or from any other place but is should be remembered that this line invariably terminates at the mount of Mercury and the line which reaches the mount of Mercury can really be called the `Health Line`.
The health line varies from person to person. In some hands it is very thick while on others it is found to be thinner than hair. This line should be studied with great care. Health, sickness etc. are studied with its help. The health line denotes the health record of an individual. It has been observed that the health line does not have a definite ending point. The study of the health line divulges the health of a person and any sickness that he or she may have experienced or will undergo.
Some people may have deep and thick health lines and on the other hand other may possess thin Health lines. The clear and steady health line is the connotation of good health throughout the life of a person. A broken health line at a point signifies ill-health and if the line is broken in several places, it indicates severe and chronic illness. It has been said by the practitioners of Palmistry that the absence of health line on the palm is the connotation of an excellent state of health, robust constitution and a strong nervous system.
The practitioners of Palmistry are also of the view that the health line deals with the material well being as much as the physical and is responsible in playing a strong part in the development of material wealth. It has also been said that the straighter the Health line is, the better the health remains. The twisted and irregular health line is an indication of liver complains. Heavily marked health line that joins the line of heart and head and not found elsewhere is the sign of mental disturbance. According to Palmistry, health line can be the indication of a strong business sense as well as the strength to work hard and to make money when it is found as an undisturbed line. Depending on the shape and the depth of the health line, the acuity of the health problem varies, like, wavy health line defines potential health problems as a result of anxiety and nervousness and a broken line, tends to show poor health that will create problem in business. When it rises from the line of heart at the Mount of Mercury and runs into or through the line of life, it foretells some weakness of the heart.
In Palmistry the pale colour and broad health line are the connotation of bad circulation. It indicates of heart trouble if the line is red in colour, particularly when it leaves the line of heart, with small, flat nails. The different forms, marks and colour of this health line define various aspects of health. In this respect, Palmistry says that, the long and almond-shaped nails denote a danger of weakness and delicacy of the lungs; the same shape of nails and islands in the upper part of the health line is indicates respiratory problems and tuberculosis. On the other hand, the flat nails especially shell-shaped nails with deeply marked health line are the indication of paralysis and the worst forms of nerve diseases in accordance with Palmistry. When this line is very red in small spots, especially when pressed, rheumatic fever is indicated. Moreover the person will probably undergo biliousness and liver complaints when his health line is twisted, irregular and yellowish. When the line is found heavily marked, and only joining the Heart and Head Lines together, it foreshadows brain-fever, especially, when any islands are marked on the Line of Head. The formation of the line in straight pieces denotes bad digestion and an extra line that branches out onto the life line, defines some sort of life-threatening situation in old age.
In Palmistry, the entire study of health line considers the reading and indications of other lines also like when the Line of Life looks very chained and weak, the Health Line on a hand will naturally increase the danger of delicate health; and when found with a Line of Head full of little islands, or like a chain it clearly foreshadows brain disease, severe headaches, etc.
The study of the health line in Palmistry is the warning that may be given of approaching the condition of the health. The line is studied with great care and several other lines are deeply studied to get accuracy in the study.
Marriage lines
What is called the Line of Marriage is that mark or marks, as the case
may be, found on the side of the Mount under the fourth finger.
I will first proceed to give all the details possible about these lines,
and then call my reader's attention to the other marks on the hand that
qualify these Lines of Marriage, and further add a wealth of information
regarding them.
The Line, or Lines, of Marriage may be found as very short marks almost
on the very side
rising from the side of the hand into the face of the Mount of Mercury,
or, in some cases, going farther still into the hand itself.
Only the clearly formed lines relate to marriage, the short ones to deep
affection, or marriage contemplated, but never entered into.
When the deep line is found lying close to the line of Heart, the
marriage will take place early in life, but the other marks I am going to
explain later will give more accurate dates as to when the event will
For a happy marriage the lines on the Mount of Mercury should be
straight and clear, without breaks or irregularities of any kind.
When the Line of Marriage curves or droops downwards (3, Plate XVII.),
the person on whose hand this appears will outlive the other.
When the line turns upward in the reverse direction, the possessor is not
likely ever to marry.
When the line is clear and distinct, but has a lot of little lines
dropping from it, it foreshadows trouble and anxiety in the marriage, but
brought on by the delicacy and ill-health of the partner
When the line has a curve at the end, and if a cross or line be found
cutting into this curve, the partner will die by
accident or a sudden illness of some kind. But when the Marriage Line
ends in a long, gradual curve into the Heart Line, the death of the
partner will come about by gradual ill-health or illness of a very long
When the line has an "island" at the beginning, then the marriage will be
for a long time delayed, and the two persons will be much separated at
the commencement of their married life.
When the "island" is found about the middle of the Marriage Line, some
great trouble and separation will take place about the middle of the
married life.
When the "island" is found towards the end of the line, the marriage will
most probably end in trouble and separation one from the other.
When the Line of Marriage divides into the form of a fork,
the two people will live apart from one another, but when the
fork turns downwards towards the Line of Heart a legal separation may be
When this fork is more accentuated, and turns down more into the hand,
divorce may be expected, and especially so if one end of this fork
stretches across the hand in the direction of the Plain of Mars, or the
Mount of Mars.
In many cases a fine line may be found crossing the entire palm, from the
Marriage Line, and in such a case the greatest animosity and bitterness
will enter into the fight for freedom and divorce. In such an example
there is never any hope of reconciliation.
When the Line of Marriage is full of little islands, or linked like the
loops of a chain, the subject should be warned not to marry at any time,
as such a union would be full of the greatest unhappiness and continual
When the line, which is otherwise well marked, appears about the centre
to break in two, it foreshadows a fatality or break-up in an otherwise
happy married life.Line of Sun it promises that
its possessor will marry some one of great wealth or distinction.
When this above-mentioned line bends downward and cuts the Line of Sun,
it denotes that the person on whose hand it is found will lose his
position by the marriage he will make.
When any line from the top of the Mount of Mercury falls down into the
Marriage Line, it shows that there will be great obstacles to overcome in
whatever marriage the subject enters, but if the Line of Marriage is a
good one, then such obstacles will be overcome.
When there is another line much slighter in appearance lying close to the
upper side of the Marriage Line, it foretells some influence that will
come into the subject's life after marriage.
All lines that cross the hand from the Mount of Mars,
and rise up towards the Line of Marriage denote the interference of
people with the marriage. These lines give the date of the interference
when they cross the Line of Destiny; they cause quarrels when they come
from Mars; from Venus they also denote annoyances, but not of such a
vindictive nature.
The Line Of The Sun
The Line of the Sun, which is otherwise called the Line of Success or the
Line of Brilliancy, is one of the most important marks
on the hand to consider.
It has in its symbolism almost the same significance as the Sun itself
has to the Earth.
Without this line the life has no happiness, no sunshine, as it were, and
even the greatest talents lie in darkness and do not produce their fruit.
Amateurs, in looking at hands, often make the greatest mistakes in seeing
what appears to be "a good Line of Fate," and in consequence rush off and
predict great success and fortune, whereas, as I explained in the
preceding chapter, a Fate Line unaccompanied by the Line of Sun may
simply mean a fatalistic life full of sorrow and darkness.
The quality that the Line of Sun denotes is, what is generally called
"luck"; with a well-marked Sun Line even a poor Line of Head promises
more success, and it is the same with the Line of Fate.
People with the Sun Line appear to have more magnetism, more influence
over others. They more easily secure recognition, reward, riches, and
They also have a happier and brighter disposition, and this has
naturally a great deal to do with what is called success.
From whatever date in the hand the Line of Sun appears, things become
brighter, more prosperous and important. The Line of the Sun may rise
from the following positions:
From the Line of Life, the Line of Fate, the Plain of Mars, the Mount of
the Moon, the Line of Head, and from the Line of Heart, or it may only
appear as a small line on its own Mount.
Rising from the Line of Life, it promises success from
whatever the life is that is led, but not from "luck."
From the Line of Fate, it is a sure sign of recognition
for the career adopted, but brought about by the personal effort of the
From the Plain of Mars, and not connected with the other lines, it
foretells success after difficulties.
From the Mount of the Moon, success is more a matter due
to the caprice of others. It is more changeable and uncertain and is by
no means such a sure sign of riches or solid position. It is more the
sign of success as a public favourite, and is often found in the hands of
those who depend on the public for their livelihood, such as actors and
actresses, singers, and certain classes of artists, speakers, clergymen,
etc. For all such professions it is, however, fortunate, and an extremely
lucky sign to have, as it promises in all cases luck, brilliancy, and
recognition in the world.
Rising from the Line of Head, the Sun Line gives success from the mental
efforts and qualities, but not until after the middle of life is past. It
is found on the hands of brain workers, students of some particular
branch of study, writers, scientists, etc.
From the Line of Heart, success will come late in life in some way
depending on, or through, the affections. In such cases it generally
promises a very happy marriage late in life, but it is always a certain
sign of eventual ease, happiness, and worldly comfort.
Marked only on its own Mount, the Line of Sun promises happiness and
success, but so late in life as to make it hardly worth having.
When the third finger--called the finger of the Sun--is much longer than
the first with the Line of Sun well marked, the gambling instincts will
be much in evidence. Nearly all successful gamblers for money have these
two indications.
When, however, the third finger is equal to the second, the love of
amassing wealth will be the dominant passion of the life.
When the third finger is extremely long and twisted or crooked, the
person will endeavour to obtain money at any cost. This malformation is
much seen in the hands of thieves or criminals who are likely to commit
any crime for the sake of money. Note--if the Line of Head is very high
on the palm, and more especially if it rises upwards at the end,
these evil qualities will be still more accentuated.
When a hand is found to be artistic in its shape, with pointed fingers or
long and narrow, the Line of Sun on such a formation promises rather
success and brilliancy in Art, on the Stage, or in Public Singing, than
in anything else.
The real musician's hand, such as the composer's or player's, is however
rarely a long, thin-shaped hand, because such persons must have a more
scientific nature. This quality is not found with those who possess the
long, slender, very artistic-shaped hand, who depend more on their
emotional temperament than on scientific study for their foundation.
On extremely long, thin hands, those that belong to what is called the
Psychic Type, the Line of Sun has very little meaning except that of
temperament, such persons being too idealistic to care for either wealth,
position, or worldly success. They have as a rule, simply bright, happy,
sunny dispositions if this line is marked on their hands, and they go
through life as in a dream, and their dreams are to them the only things
that matter.
A curious characteristic, however, and one that has not been noticed by
other writers on this subject, is, that on all hands where the Sun Line
is seen, the nature of such people is much more sensitive to environment
than that of those persons who do not possess this Line. For this reason
the Line has been considered a sign of the artistic nature. But what is
known as the "artistic nature" may show itself only in the love of
beautiful things, harmony of surroundings, and such like; whereas the
people who do not possess any mark of the Sun Line, seldom even notice
their surroundings and would live equally happy in the most squalid
homes. They would not trouble whether their curtains were black, green,
yellow, or some fearful conglomeration of all three.
When many lines are found on the Mount of the Sun, they show also the
artistic nature, but one where the multiplicity of aims and ideas will
prevent any real success.
Two or three Sun Lines, when running parallel and evenly together, are
good and indicate success in two or three different lines of work; but
one good, straight, clear line is the best sign to have.
An "island" on any part of the Line of the Sun destroys the position and
success promised, but only during the period where the island appears.
In nearly all cases it denotes public scandal, and when very
clearly marked a _cause celeb re_ or something of that sort.
All opposition lines, viz., those that cross over from the thumb side of
the hand, and especially those from the Mount of Mars or from its
direction, are bad. If these opposition lines pass
through, cut, or interfere with the Line of Sun in any way, they denote
the jealousy or interference of people against one.
Curiously enough, these opposition lines from the Mount of Mars relate to
the interference of members of the same sex as the subject; while, if
they come from the Mount of Venus, they relate to the opposite sex of the
individual on whose hand they appear.
A "star" found on the Line of Sun is one of the luckiest and most
fortunate signs to have.
A "square" is a sign of preservation against the attacks of enemies or
efforts to assail one's position.
A "cross" is an unfortunate sign, and denotes difficulties and annoyance,
but only relating to one's name or position.
On a "hollow hand," the Line of Sun loses all power, and its good
promises are never fulfilled.
The complete absence of the Line of Sun on an otherwise well-marked hand,
indicates that no matter how clever or talented these people may be, the
recognition of the world will be difficult or even impossible to gain. In
other words, their life will remain in darkness; people will not see
their work and the "Sun of Success" will never dawn on their pathway of

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