
Thursday, June 10, 2010


Palm lines are synonymous to chairwoman's. Palmistry has been divided into two parts. One is shrieking and other one is chairwoman's. The part of chairwoman's only deals with lines on the palm. Whereas, the shrugging is confined with the shape and sizes, nails, fingers, thumb mounts, skin and colors of the palm. The hand lines are completely dependent on the shape of the palm. Generally speaking, both shrieking and chairwoman's are interdependent. Palm lines predict the health, wealth, disease and longevity in general. The science of shrugging tells of nature and character of the human being.
The line of the palm has a vital role in the study of chairwoman's. The life line predicts health and longevity, head line predicts mentality, heart line tells love and affection, fate line predicts material success in life. However, it is impossible to predict without the help of shrugging. The major hand lines are taken into calculation while studying palm. At the same time the smaller palmistry lines should not be neglected. The life line, head line, heart line, fate line, sun line, health line and marriage line are the major lines of the palm.
1.Life Line
The life line is the most important line among all the lines in the science of chairwoman's. It starts just below the mount of Jupiter and goes towards the wrist making a semicircle at the side of the mount of Venus. The line of life has direct connection with the most important part of the body such as stomach, liver and heart etc. 
The palmist should keep in mind that the line of life has intimate connection with the vital organs of the body, so that the prediction can be done easily on health and diseases. The life line predicts the strength of life and the death that happens naturally.
The rule of thumb of the life line is to be strong, clean and without any breaks, chains and irregularities that makes one physically strong, robust, disease-free and long span of life.
The palm reader should keep in mind that if the line of life is strong then the stomach and digestive system will be naturally good, as a result it will keep the diseases far away.
When the life line is made of little pieces of chain or breaks it tells of ill health and less power of immunity. 
The palmist should study the life line very carefully since it is seen that the line of life is strong that denotes of strong and robust health as well as forceful character, but the thin life line has more sustaining power.
The person with the thin life line is more strong willed and mentally strong and having resistance to disease.
The very broad line of life makes one muscular than strong willed. 
When there is a branch moves towards the mounts of Jupiter starting from the life line denotes will and ambition to rise high in life and control over other.
When the line of life joins together with the line of head it indicates sensitivity in nature and in confident in all undertakings.
If the line of life has a gap between the line of head and life line then the person will be self-confident, outspoken by nature.
2.Heart Line 
The heart line on the hand is an indicator of love and affection. This makes one either extremely philanthropic or extremely selfish and heartless. The heart line plays a vital role in the emotion of human being.
When the line of heart starts from the mount of Jupiter, then the person becomes very helpful in his attitude, very stable and reliable in matters of love and affection. So to speak, it makes one warm hearted.
When it starts in between two fingers, such persons are deeper in matters of love. Such people are not expressive in their passion. 
When the line of heart starts from the mount of Saturn it indicates an extremely selfish attitude. They are passionate in their attachment. They are not demonstrative in their domestic life.
A short heart line is an indication of less interest in love and affection towards both opposite sexes and people in general. However, if the short line of heart is deep and strong then it will make one stable in affectionate matters.
When the line of heart is down towards the head line, then it indicates the early life is devoid of love and affection. 
When there are crowd of small lines on the heart line, then it tells of flirtatious nature, inconstant in character and a series of love affairs but last long.
When the line of heart gives two branches, one is on the mount of Jupiter and other is in between index and middle finger, it is a symbol of happy life. Such line gives success in love and affection, makes one more or less fortunate in life.
When there is a square on the line of heart it indicates protection such as good medical treatment or a solution in the problem of business.
The upward lines from the line of heart are the indication of successful love and affection, while downward line indicates unhappiness, problem and disappointments in love life.
3. Head Line 
The head line on the palm has an important role in the science of chairwoman's. The line of head indicates intellectuality, strength and weakness of the brain, memory, temperament and suicidal tendency etc. The head line on your palm tells your lifestyle, philosophy and your attitude. It is very important on the part of a palmist to calculate line of head along with the study of shrugging.
The head line or the mind line generally starts from three separate points. It starts from the center of the Jupiter on the hand, from the starting of life line, from the mounts of the Mars and also within the line of life.
If the head line starts from the mount of Jupiter it predicts of courage, determination, command over others, forcefulness, energy and unlimited ambition to succeed in life. If it is a long brain line and touches life line, then it should be considered as the most powerful among all other placement. 
If the line of head tightly joined with the life line, it tells of extremely sensitive nature, makes one extreme cautious in all undertakings and more or less nervous temperament.
If the line of head starts from the mounts of Mars with the line of life, then the temperament will be inconstant. The person will be indecisive in both thought and action.
When the line of head becomes straight, long and without any breaks then person will be practical in his common sense, love of worldly affairs than imagination.
When there is very less gap between the line of head and heart, then person will be ruled by the heart not by thought.
If the first half of the head line is straight and the second half of the line of head is slopping then there will be balance between both imagination and practicality. The person will lead a practical approach of life.
When the entire line of head is slightly slopping, there will be tendency towards imaginative activities like mimicry, painting, literature, singing and music etc. when the line of head slopes towards the mount of moon it predicts the learning of mysticism and imagination.
When the line of head moves towards the mounts of mercury then there will be success in business, commerce and science. When it moves towards the mount of Sun, it gives desire for name and fame. When it moves towards the Jupiter then indicates pride and love of power and position. 
When the head line runs with a square, it denotes an escape from a violence or accident. When there is an offshoot towards the mount of Jupiter and a star on the Jupiter then it tells phenomenal success in all attempts. 
When the line of head is very short and stops at the middle of the hand then the person will believe in material success. Such kind of person is incapable of handling imaginative activities. 
When the line of head is full of islands or hair lines, it denotes mental illness and sometimes insanity. 
The deep head line is an indication of better memory and a straight line is an indication of realistic in its thinking. 
When the head line is broken in two pieces, then there will be accidents or violence to the head.
4.Marriage Line
Marriage in heaven is the bonding of two individual in one mind. A successful marriage is that which has got deep bonding no matter if you are married in court, temple, church etc. 
The marriage line can predict what kind of conjugal life you will lead. It predicts the love and affection of two persons. While calculating line of marriage one should take into account the mounts of Venus and heart line as well.  The line of heart should be very clean to have very reliable married life. The mounts of Venus should be strong enough to have romantic and good sexual life.
Marriage line is situated just below the little finger and above the starting point of the heart line.
A clean, long line of marriage and without any break and chain or island predicts a highly successful married life. 
Only strong line indicates marriage. The small lines nearby the line of marriage indicate romance. The marriage line closer to little finger indicates late marriage. The line of marriage closer to heart line tells early marriage. 
If the marriage line sends an offshoot towards the mounts of sun and into the line of sun the marriage will take place with a person who is famous.
When the line of marriage is divided in to parts at its end and one line goes towards the centre of the palm indicates divorce or legal separation.
If a strong line from the mount of mercury comes downward and cuts the line of marriage then it indicates a great opposition and obstacle in marriage.
The line that cuts the line of marriage at its end tells of marriage that ends in death or divorce.
The fork at the end of marriage line denotes separation (with or without judicial separation).
If the line of marriage breaks and resumes again that indicates a separation and reunion again.
If there is an island on the line of marriage it indicates unhappiness and quarrel in married life.
When the line of marriage touches the line of heart it forecast the death of life partner.
5.Health Line
 No line should be neglected in the science of palm reading. Almost all the lines of the palm are interdependent. Though the palmist can study the health from life line, yet the health line has importance. It is better, if the health line is not present on the palm. If it is present, then it should be neat and clean. There should not be any breaks and chains or island on the line of health. It should be strong and long. Absence of health line predicts extremely good health and sustaining power. The health line also has an important role in getting material success.
When it is red and leaves from the line of heart with the small and flat nails, it indicates problem with the heart.
When the health line is crooked or twisted then it tells of disease relating to liver.
When the line of health is heavily marked and joins with line of head and heart, there is no connection anywhere else and then it tells of mental illness. 
When the line of health is strong and deep it gives success in business and force to make much money. It also gives success in material world.
When the health line is like a wave (wavy line) then it tells of nervousness and anxiety.
A broken health line gives not only poor health but also failure in business.
If there is line that moves towards life line and cuts it then there will be life-threatening condition in the advance period of life.
When the line of health makes straight pieces then it indicates indigestion.
6.Travel Line 
Travel line is on the mounts of Moon that tells of traveling throughout life and its influence in life.
The line of travel starts from the edge of palm just opposite to thumb and mounts of Venus. It normally moves horizontally.
When the travel line intersects the line of life then there will be health problem during travel or ill health will make you travel.
The line which crosses the line of travel will give problem in trip.
A square on the line of travel will protect from problem relating to trip.
Broken line of travel indicates delay in travel.
If the line of travel intersects the line of fate then there will be a life changing experience during the trip.
When the travel line touches the mounts of Jupiter then there will be power and position due to traveling. Generally, the trip happens very long.
When the line of travel runs and touches the mounts of sun then it tells of name and fame as well as riches.
When travel line runs to the mounts of Mercury, it predicts sudden and unexpected wealth comes from traveling. 
If the line of travel moves towards the head line and creates spot, island or breaks, it predicts some kind of injuries due to journey.
7.Girdle Line
The line that rises between the base of first and fourth finger and makes a broken or unbroken kind of semicircle is called girdle of Venus.
Very few people have this kind of line on the palm.
When the girdle of Venus is present, it makes one extremely sensitive and intelligent. It makes one easily offended and gives changeable mentality.
The people having girdle of Venus are more or less dual in their mentality. Sometimes they are at high pitch of spirit and try to make a success to their dream. It is difficult on their part to come to same spirit again. Sometimes they become extremely disappointed.
When the girdle of Venus moves towards the mounts of Mercury and touches the marriage line, it tells of severe marital dispute due to peculiar temperament of the person

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